Hess Gasoline Truck Transporter with Helicopter 2006


Hess Gasoline Truck Transporter with Helicopter 2006

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Is There a Difference Between Gasoline Brands?

Is There a Difference Between Gasoline Brands?

Are there really some cheap gas brands that won't run as well as brand name gas station's gas? I've heard stories for years never to buy gas from one gas station because it's watery, or only buy from this brand because it gives better gas mileage. Do any of these stories have a basis in fact?

Is There a Difference Between Gasoline Brands?

Is There a Difference Between Gasoline Brands?

Is There a Difference Between Gasoline Brands?

Is There a Difference Between Gasoline Brands?

Is There a Difference Between Gasoline Brands?

The real fact is that 99% of all gasoline in the United States is of good quality. Many gasoline, no matter the brand, probably comes from the same source and refined at the same refinery. They are probably even sent out in the same pipeline and stored at the same storage terminal.

So what is the difference, if any, between gasoline brands? It's the additives that are added to the gasoline. All gasoline in the United States contains additives to meet EPA federal standards, even the cheap gas station gasoline. There is a difference between name brand additives and the generic ones but how much of a difference is there and does it really make a difference to your car's performance?

The additives are added to the gasoline when the gasoline is loaded into tanker trucks right before it is taken to a gas station. Until then, all the gasoline is the same. The amount of additives added varies, but for some brands it's just a quart of additives for 8,000 gallons of gasoline.

What will have the most impact on the gasoline quality is the gas station's tank quality, the tanker truck and the consistency of the suppliers in the chain to keep the quality at a certain standard. That affects the gasoline more than the additives. Consumer Reports tried to test gasoline brand differences but quit when they realized differences were not more than differences caused by factors such as temperature and humidity.

There will be differences in gasoline in different parts of the country. The volatility of gasoline in the winter in Connecticut will be much different than that of gasoline in Arizona. Also states and regions have different regulations and standards concerning the quality of the gasoline. Some areas may require gasoline formulated for lower emissions. You may actually run into a bad batch of gas, but it's due to the individual gas station than the brand.

The best thing to do would be to find a gas station that is convenient for you to fill up at, that is reasonably priced and has a consistent supplier. There really is no reason to change gas stations if you've found one that works for you. But only use the grade of gasoline that your car's manual specifies as that will save you money and headaches down the line.

Is There a Difference Between Gasoline Brands?

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